Meteor Storm Game

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Home > Spells > Meteor Swarm
Meteor Storm Game

Evocation [Fire]

Level:Sor/Wiz 9
Components:V, S
Casting Time:1 standard action
Range:Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area:Four 40-ft.-radius spreads; see text
Saving Throw:None or Reflex half; see text
Spell Resistance:Yes

Meteor swarm is a very powerful and spectacular spell that is similar to fireball in many aspects. When you cast it, four 2-foot-diameter spheres spring from your outstretched hand and streak in straight lines to the spots you select. The meteor spheres leave a fiery trail of sparks.

If you aim a sphere at a specific creature, you may make a ranged touch attack to strike the target with the meteor. Any creature struck by one of these spheres takes 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage (no save) and receives no saving throw against the sphere’s fire damage (see below). If a targeted sphere misses its target, it simply explodes at the nearest corner of the target’s space. You may aim more than one meteor at the same target.

Once a sphere reaches its destination, it explodes in a 40-foot-radius spread, dealing 6d6 points of fire damage to each creature in the area. If a creature is within the area of more than one sphere, it must save separately against each. (Fire resistance applies to each sphere’s damage individually.)

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Meteor Storm is a simple MSX BASIC game about flying though an asteroid field at increasingly high speeds. Are you an ace pilot? Meteor Storm was written to take advantage of the rarely used MSX Paddle Controller standard, which means that it can theoretically be played as intended using all of the following devices:

  • DigiArkaPad DIY Paddle Controller (in Standard mode, this is the device the game was tested on)
  • Atari 2600 paddle with DIY adapter
  • Yamaha MMP-01 touch pad and compatible devices
  • IBM-PC DA15 joystick with DIY adapter
  • Nintendo 64 controller with DIY adapter

Please note that the Taito Arkanoid Vaus MSX Paddle uses an entirely different protocol and is therefore incompatible. Additionally, MSX Turbo-R computers cannot use any of the above devices without first installing TRnewdrv.

Meteor Storm also supports keyboard, joypad, or mouse control- see installation instructions for details.

Your high score is recorded in HISCORE.TXT and will automatically be updated by the game whenever you break your previous record. Your game has been initialized to my high score.. let's see if you can beat it!

Please use an MSX-MUSIC compatible device for highest-quality audio.

Meteor Storm was created by _NetNomad and Maddie. At the beginning of the project, I was explaining to Maddie the basics of how the MSX and my code worked. By the end of the project, she was the one explaining to me how the code did (and more importantly didn't) work!

Powered by DM SYSTEM/2 and MGSDRV Hp tuners unlimited credits crack.

DM-SYSTEM2 Ⓒ Gigamix

MGSDRV Ⓒ Ain./Gigamix

All visuals created in TinySprite v0.7.0

Huge thank you to Gigamix Club and Jannone for creating and publishing the tools that made this game possible!
Nch inventoria registration code.

AuthorJim O'Brien / _NetNomad
TagsArcade, msx, paddle, Space

Install instructions

Meteor Storm can be played on any MSX computer or on any modern computer with an MSX emulator. On a real MSX, simply write the contents of METEORS.ZIP to your floppy disk or floppy emulator or place the folder on your disk drive and enter BASIC, navigating to the METEORS subdirectory needbe. Ipadian for mac free download. In emulators simply mount the zip file as a disk or (as I found I had to do in WebMSX) import all files in folder to disk. If AUTOEXEC.BAS does not run automatically (your screen does not instantly turn black), type LOAD'AUTOEXEC.BAS' and hit enter, and then run and hit enter.

Meteor storm april 21 2019Storm

Simply type LOAD'filename.BAS':RUN in BASIC after running AUTOEXEC.BAS to play. Replace filename with METEORS to play with a paddle, METEORKB to play with a keyboard, METEORMS to play with a mouse, or METEORJP to play with a joypad. Please note that the mouse is not supported on the MSX1 and the paddle is not supported on the Turbo-R without a modified BIOS.

Meteor Storm is configured for MSX-MUSIC by default. In order to play with only PSG audio, rename METEORS.MGS to something else and then rename PSG.MGS to METEORS.MGS.

See here for video on how to quickly set up the game with mouse support on webMSX.

These instructions may be unclear or confusing to those who are not familiar with the MSX environment. Please do not be shy asking for clarification or help, we want you to be able to enjoy this game! Thank you for playing!

<script async=' src='' charset='utf-8' wfd-invisible='true'></script>


Development log

Meteor Storm Ge Rl

  • Mouse Support Added
    Jan 16, 2021

Meteor Storm, Movie

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