Cara Video Di Safari


Di app Safari di Mac Anda, periksa pesan yang muncul saat halaman gagal terbuka. Pesan dapat menyarankan cara untuk menanggulangi masalah atau berisi informasi yang Anda perlukan untuk menanggulanginya. Pastikan Anda menggunakan alamat yang benar untuk halaman web. Feb 01, 2011 When I would click a link, however, the video would play in Safari, and there wasn't a way to right-click on the link and download it, as you can do with other kinds of files. So how do I download the MP4? Open the Downloads window in Safari and paste the URL into it. The download will start immediately. crarko adds: This is generally worth. Cara Memblokir Putar Ulang Video di Safari di High Sierra 2019 Apple baru saja mendorong versi final dari macOS High Sierra ke publik dan sementara pembaruan tampaknya tidak begitu inovatif seperti untuk iOS dengan pembaruan iOS 11, masih banyak yang disukai di sini. Masuk Pengaturan – scroll ke bawah cari Safari. Tap Safari – tap Mesin Pencari. Untuk pengaturan standar, Safari menggunakan Google, kamu bisa memilih yang lain. Buka Safari, lakukan pencarian dan mesin pencari kamu telah berubah. Demikian cara mengubah mesin pencari di Safari pada iPhone, semoga bermanfaat. Artikel wikiHow ini menjelaskan cara melihat kode sumber (source code), yaitu bahasa pemrograman yang ada di balik sebuah situs web, di hampir semua peramban (browser). Kecuali pada Safari, Anda tidak bisa melihat kode sumber di situs web jika menggunakan peramban versi seluler.

If Safari on your Mac runs very slowly, takes far longer than it should to load pages, or crashes often, you might need to reset it. However, resetting Safari is not something you should do without care as it makes significant changes to the experience of using it. In fact, Apple removed the one-click, Reset Safari menu option, possibly for that reason.

When you reset Safari on Mac, it:

  • Removes installed extensions
  • Deletes browsing data
  • Gets rid of cookies
  • Forgets saved login names and passwords
  • Scraps auto-fill data

The result is that Safari is clean and should behave as if you’ve just installed it. If you use iCloud Keychain, login names and passwords can be retrieved from there, and if you use iCloud Contacts, auto-fill data will be taken from there. So, while resetting Safari is a big step, it’s not the completely clean slate or inconvenience it used to be. However, you will notice that there’s nothing in the History menu and if you’ve left items in a checkout trolley at an online store, they will no longer be there.

How to reset Safari on Mac

Now that the Reset Safari button is gone, it takes several steps to achieve the same result.

Cara Video Di Safari

Step 1: Clear Safari history

Tip: If you’re looking for an easy, two-clicks way, you can use CleanMyMac X to delete data like cookies, history, saved passwords, and auto-fill information.

If you want to clear the history manually, follow the steps:

  1. Launch Safari and click on the Safari menu.
  2. Choose Clear History…
  3. Click the menu next to clear and choose a time period — if you want to completely reset Safari, choose all history.
  4. Press Clear History.

Step 2: Clear Safari cache

  1. With Safari open, click the Safari menu.
  2. Choose Preferences.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. At the bottom of the window, you should see a checkbox labelled Show Develop menu in menu bar, check it.
  5. Click on the Develop menu and choose Empty caches.
Cara Video Di Safari

Step 3: Remove Safari extensions

Cara Video Di Safari Virus

Extensions are third-party add-ons that provide additional functionality to Safari, such as saving web pages to Evernote or Pocket, or downloading videos from streaming sites. However, they can also cause problems, particularly if you let them get out of date or the developer stops updating them, so here’s how to remove them.

  1. In Safari, click on the Safari menu and choose Preferences.
  2. Click on the Extensions tab.
  3. In the window that opens, you’ll see a list of installed extensions. To completely reset Safari, click on each extension in turn and press Uninstall.

Step 4: Switch off plug-ins

  1. In Safari, click on the menu and choose Preferences.
  2. Click on the Security tab.
  3. Remove the checkmark from the Allow Plug-ins checkbox.

Step 5: Delete plug-ins

The above steps allow you to switch Safari plug-ins on and off and to control how they behave with specific websites. To delete them completely, however, you’ll need to manually move them to the Trash. MacOS stores plug-ins in two places, your user Library folder (~/Library) and your Mac’s main system Library folder (/Library). In both cases, plug-ins are stored in a folder called ‘Internet Plug-ins.’

If you think you might want to use the plug-ins again at later date, you can move them to another folder (maybe create one called ‘Disabled plug-ins’) and move them back when you need them. However, given that it’s very important to keep plug-ins up to date, you’d be better off deleting them and then reinstalling them from the developer’s website if you need them again.

  1. In the Finder, click on the Go menu and choose Library. If you can’t see it, try holding down the Alt key when you click; or in the Go menu, select Go to folder and type: ‘~/Library’
  2. Click on the Internet Plug-ins folder in Library.
  3. Drag the plug-ins you want to delete to the Trash.
  4. Click on the Go menu in the Finder again and choose Computer.
  5. Click on the name of your Mac and select the Library folder; or Click the Go menu, choose Go to folder, and type: ‘/Library’ (note, there’s no ‘~’ this time).
  6. Repeat steps 2 and 3 above.

Reset applications the easy way

There is an easier way to clean up Safari, particularly if you want to reset other browsers, like Chrome or Firefox, as well as Safari. CleanMyMac’s Privacy tool allows you to quickly view each browser you have installed and, by ticking a box, delete data such as cookies, history, saved passwords, and auto-fill information.

In addition, the Extensions tool makes it very easy to delete extensions from both Safari and Chrome, just by clicking the name of the browser, checking a box next to the extensions you want to remove and pressing the Remove button. It couldn’t be easier! You can download CleanMyMac X and try it out free here.

Also, CleanMyMac can also reset applications, reverting them to their original state. To use it, launch CleanMyMac and click on the Uninstaller tool. Use the search box to find the app you want to reset and click on it. Now, click on a small arrow next to the app logo. Click the Application Reset button.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to reset Safari and return it to its original state. And thanks to iCloud Keychain and Contacts, doing so doesn’t mean that your saved logins or autofill data is gone for good. It is a significant step, however, and you should think carefully before you proceed.

Cara download video di safari iphone ios 12
Download an MP4 file in Safari | 11 comments | Create New Account

Cara Video Di Safari Iphone

Click here to return to the 'Download an MP4 file in Safari' hint
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

Option-clicking a link usually works.

Read my blog: Kirkville --
Musings, Opinion and Miscellanea, on Macs, iPods and more

Or option-enter in the url bar. That's especially convenient when you accidentally just clicked the link and it opened in the browser, because then you just do command-L followed by option-enter.

Drag & Drop to Downloads is also nice..

This was a new one to me, thanks.

I usually use the Terminal and curl which is available on all recent Mac OS X installations.

curl -o outputfilenameaddress_to_download

For people not used to the terminal it might be a bit daunting at first, but it is rather simple. I have gotten non-geeks at work to find the terminal appealing after showing them how to do it. The advantage with curl is that it can handle almost any kind of download.

or even easier tell curl to use the file's name on the server:

Cara Video Di Safaricurl -O url_to_file

These are all OK if you're looking at a link to the actual file. Sometimes there's a level of indirection or two involved and you'll just end up downloading a .htm file or some other intermediate file. In most of these indirect cases you can get to the streaming content by double-clicking on the appropriate line in the Activity Window. Of course, sometimes more inventive tricks are required...

Why on earth would you need to do this over option-enter or command s (save) or a cURL command?
1 star

Agreed. This is basically the worst out of those three possible methods to force a file to download?

Identifying the file in the Activity Window and Option-Clicking the file will start a download.

Cmd - S FFS!

I always option-clicked in the activity window, but a lot of these other ones (including the original) are good hints for those like me who never knew about them. I can't believe I never realized some of these myself - particularly that you can just do Save/CMD-S when you have a difect link to an mp4 or whatever file!